Anyone Can Play Said Kroesche Pickleball Instructor


Pickleball, a game that lies at the crossroads of two sports, features a distinct scoring system that sets it apart. In a lighthearted manner, Kroesche playfully remarked to her students that the rules seemed designed to add complexity and bewilderment, yet reassured them that grasping the game’s mechanics is not overly challenging.

“It’s a game that welcomes everyone,” Kroesche affirmed. The sport of pickleball is gaining traction and finding a warm reception within the Ireton community. On a recent Monday, approximately 30 individuals ranging in age from 10 to 70 gathered for a beginner’s pickleball class.

“As you may be aware, the city of Ireton was fortunate enough to secure a grant and funding to construct a splendid pickleball court,” shared Ireton Mayor Kent Hoogland. “While we’ve witnessed many people engaging in the sport, we have also heard numerous individuals express a desire to enhance their skills, yearning for a class to guide them. Allow me to introduce Sue Kroesche, our esteemed pickleball instructor.”

Hailing from Orange City, Kroesche, alongside Tim Bonnema, facilitated the introductory pickleball course. She promptly emphasized the distinctions between pickleball and more widely recognized racquet sports such as Ping-Pong and tennis.

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